Don’t Defund our LAPD
Dear Members and Friends: “Valley VOTE opposes the defunding of LAPD and stands with the courageous officers who work so hard to protect and serve all members of the community.” Susan Shelley, President
Valley VOTE Supports Measure S in March 7 Election
The Executive Committee of Valley VOTE, a diverse coalition of San Fernando Valley residents, businesses and civic organizations, urges the people of Los Angeles to vote in favor of Measure S, the Neighborhood Integrity Initiative, on the March 7 ballot. Only by approving Measure S can ordinary citizens of Los Angeles take back control of […]
Valley VOTE Opposes LADWP Rate and Wage Increases
The Executive Committee of Valley VOTE opposes the proposed five-year increase in LADWP water and power rates and calls for a continuation of the salary freeze that is set to expire in 2016. The “Benchmarking Analysis” produced in February by LADWP’s Corporate Performance Division with the help of two outside consultants reveals that LADWP spends […]
The Valley VOTE Board of Directors Support the Pierce College Farm
For decades when budget times have been hard, the Pierce College Farm has been threatened with commercial development. Over time the Farm was to become a golf course, shopping mall or residential housing. Dozens of acres have already been sold off. Pierce College began as an agricultural farm after WWII and sits on 426 acres, […]
The Valley VOTE Board of Directors has unanimously approved support of the “Valley on Track” coalition
“Valley on Track” is dedicated to improving upon the regions most pressing transportation issues and opportunities so that our ground mobility can be optimized to enhance the business climate, public health and quality of life for San Fernando Valley residents. The Valley has been severally under served by rail transportation for years. There are only two rail […]
Valley VOTE Supports Veterans Lawsuit
The Valley VOTE Board of Directors has overwhelmingly approved the following Motion: Valley VOTE supports the Class Action Lawsuit filed on June 7, 2011 on behalf of four plaintiffs. The first is Carolina Winston Barrie, a great granddaughter of one of the land donors in 1888 that bequeathed the property, in perpetuity, in West Los […]